Incubation & Innovation Initiative(III[トリプルアイ])
About Incubation & Innovation Initiative (III or Triple I)
Incubation & Innovation Initiative(III)は、 日本の成長戦略の基盤となる先進性の高い技術シーズやビジネスアイデアの「事業化」を支援し、
日本経済の活性化に貢献することを目的として、 2016年に株式会社日本総合研究所が設立した 異業種連携による「事業開発コンソーシアム」です。
The Incubation & Innovation Initiative (III) is a consortium of business development
established by the Japan Research Institute, Ltd. in 2016. With multiple sectors, III aims to
commercialize highly innovative technologies and business ideas that are key elements that make
up Japan’s growth strategy and to revitalize the Japanese economy.
“The Center of Innovation Eco-system”
With COVID-19 crisis during the fourth industrial revolution, III envisions to build an
innovation ecosystem that creates value in the increasingly complex market, economic and social
environment, and thereby to lead revitalization of the Japanese economy.
Open Innovation Platform – NEXT (New Emergence X-Tech) –
Collaborating with private and public sector, III focuses more on creating new industry and on
new business development in the COVID-19 crisis and in the post-COVID-19. To execute our
strategy, III develops a new open innovation network where consortium members share and utilize
the assets of both private and public sectors (human resources, goods, financial resources,
information and technology, legal system, and business areas covered).
地域間連携:DX City Alliance w/ Super & Smart City Architecture ポストコロナ社会のビジョンを示すため、III後援自治体を中心とした連携体制を構築し、IIIが伴走支援し、スーパーシティ/スマートシティの枠組みを活用しつつ、新たな次元の地方創生を実現致します。もって我が国の未来の地域の在り方について提言すると共にモデル地域をIIIプロジェクトとして支援いたします。
DX City Alliance with Super & Smart City Architecture In order to present the vision of society in the post-COVID-19, III collaborates with local governments participating III consortium, and supports them to realize their local revitalization, taking advantage of the super city/smart city framework proposed by the central government. With this action, III will make policy recommendations on regional management in the future and will support model project areas.
新たな官民連携:Next Generation Public Private Partnership (Next-gen PPP) ウィズ/ポストパンデミック社会において、都市と地域の関係性やあらゆる既存の産業構造にもパラダイムシフトが起こることが予見されます。DX City Allianceの下、既存の枠組みを超え、スタートアップ、既存企業、自治体が連携した体制で新たな地域社会経済システムや持続可能なモデルを研究し、IIIがThink & Do-TankとしてVISIONの達成を目指します。
Public Private Partnership in the Next Generation (Next-gen PPP) In the COVID19 pandemic crisis or in the post-COVID19, a paradigm shift is expected to occur in the relationship between cities and regions and in existing industrial structures. Under the DX City lliance, a new socio-economic system and sustainable development model will be studied collaborating with multiple stakeholders such as startups, existing companies, and municipalities beyond the existing framework. III aims to achieve VISION as Think & Do-Tank.
DX化/スマートシティの推進:DX & Smart City Accelerator 人々が幸せに暮らせる人間中心の未来社会のビジョンであるSociety 5.0を実現するために、DX化およびスマートシティを推進することが求められています。 DX City Allianceを意識し、民間主導でウィズ/ポストコロナ時代の産業構想を掲げ、New Normal Serviceの開発、IIIプロジェクトとしてのテストベッドでのPoC(Proof of Concept)、実証実験を通じ、社会実装を目指します。
DX&Smart City Accelarator In order to realize Society 5.0, the Japanese government vision of a human-centered future society where people can secure their quality of life, DXification and smart cities are essential. Based on local city alliance established by III, III raises a new industrial initiative in the COVID19 crisis or in the post-COVID19 that is led mainly by a private sector, develops necessary services in New Normal era, and conducts the Proof of Concept for implementing it in the society.
Activities of III To realize open innovation, III organizes and implements the following activities;
Study Group
Collaborating with private and public sector, III focuses more on creating new industry and on
new business development in the COVID-19 crisis and in the post-COVID-19. To execute our
strategy, III develops a new open innovation network where consortium members share and utilize
the assets of both private and public sectors (human resources, goods, financial resources,
information and technology, legal system, and business areas covered).
Site Visit
Field Visit
To promote new business development in local areas practically, III organizes field
visits for the consortium members and the supporting organizations to deeply understand
the current initiatives of local revitalization taken by the local government and local
Smart City Challenge
Smart City Challenge
To develop the attractive city in the future, III organizes a unique program in which
III calls for ideas and business plans to solve urban social issues and to create value,
conducts demonstration projects in some local areas selected to test those ideas and
makes up collaboration with consortium members.